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Morpheus Space Launches New "Reloaded" Factory in Dresden, Germany, significantly increasing availability of the GO-2 Electric Propulsion Systems

July 23rd, 2024

Morpheus Space, the leading provider of space mobility solutions, today opened the first mass production facility for space systems in Dresden, Germany. The new "Reloaded" facility will initially manufacture 100 units of the GO-2 per year, Morpheus Space's second-generation electric propulsion system aimed at addressing the urgent demand for mobility by the rising number of satellite missions in our orbits.  Designed to address the mobility challenges for the Space industry, GO-2 is a reliable, modular Field Emission Electric Propulsion (FEEP) system enabling uninterrupted mobility throughout the entire mission lifetime. "One of the biggest problems satellite operators face today is the limited supply of available propulsion systems. We intend to sufficiently scale production of GO-2 to match this growing demand," says Morpheus Space President Kevin Lausten. "By offering a more affordable and readily available propulsion system able to facilitate all necessary maneuvers from initial orbit to de-orbit, the GO-2 marks an important leap for the industry." "Production has the task of meeting the growing worldwide market demand for our efficient electric propulsion systems," says Martin Kelterer, COO of Morpheus Space, responsible for the production. "To this end, the quality of the production processes is of paramount importance in order to deliver reliable and efficient products to our customers." Morpheus Space CEO & Co-Founder Daniel Bock, recently speaking at the Munich Security Conference on the growing role of mobility in Low Earth Orbit missions, has led the Morpheus Space team to acquire $28 million in series-A fundraising. Notable investors include Airbus Ventures and Alpine Space Ventures, which is backed by the NATO Innovation Fund. "Availability, reliability, and fuel efficiency have been barriers to space mobility long enough," states Daniel Bock. "We would like to see mass adoption of GO-2 so that we can establish a more capable and sustainable way for satellites to navigate our orbits." Media Contact: Emanouil Angelov   About Morpheus Space: Founded in 2018, Morpheus Space's ascent from an R&D-focused endeavor to a pioneering commercial force is nothing short of revolutionary. Guided by visionary principles, the company's accomplishments include propulsion system tests on nanosatellites, successful collision avoidance maneuvers in space, and a plethora of software innovations in space mobility. These achievements underscore Morpheus Space's commitment to pushing boundaries and defying norms in pursuit of a safer, and more accessible space future.

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Morpheus Space eröffnet die neue Produktionsstätte für Satellitenantriebe „Reloaded" in Dresden, um die Verfügbarkeit des elektrischen Antriebssystems „GO-2" erheblich zu vergrößern

23 Juli, 2024

Morpheus Space, ein führender Anbieter für Satellitenmobilität, eröffnet eine Produktionsstätte zur Massenfertigung von Raumfahrtsystemen am 23. Juli 2024 in Dresden. Die neue Fabrik ist im ersten Schritt zunächst für die Herstellung von 100 Einheiten pro Jahr des GO-2 Antriebssystems aufgesetzt. GO-2 ist das neue elektrische Antriebssystem der zweiten Generation von Morpheus Space, welches die weltweit hohe Nachfrage nach mehr Mobilität im All durch die steigende Anzahl von Satellitenmissionen in unseren Umlaufbahnen bedienen soll. GO-2 wurde entwickelt, um die Mobilitätsherausforderungen der Raumfahrtindustrie zu bewältigen. Es ist ein zuverlässiges, modulares Feldemissions-Antriebssystem (FEEP), das ununterbrochene Mobilität während der gesamten Missionsdauer bietet. „Eines der größten Probleme, mit denen Satellitenbetreiber heute konfrontiert sind, ist der begrenzte Vorrat an verfügbaren Antriebssystemen. Wir beabsichtigen, die Produktion des GO-2 ausreichend zu skalieren, um diese wachsende Nachfrage zu decken", sagt Kevin Lausten, Präsident von Morpheus Space. „Mit einem erschwinglicheren und leichter verfügbaren Antriebssystem, das alle erforderlichen Manöver ermöglicht, angefangen von der ersten Umlaufbahn bis hin zum Wiedereintritt in der Erdatmosphäre, stellt unser GO-2 einen wichtigen Fortschritt für die Branche dar." Martin Kelterer, COO von Morpheus Space, verantwortlich für die Produktion, betont: „Die Produktion hat die Aufgabe, der wachsenden weltweiten Nachfrage nach unseren effizienten elektrischen Antriebssystemen gerecht zu werden. Die Qualität der Produktionsprozesse ist dabei von höchster Bedeutung, um zuverlässige und effiziente Produkte an unsere Kunden zu liefern." Daniel Bock, CEO und Mitgründer von Morpheus Space, sprach kürzlich auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz über die wachsende Bedeutung der Mobilität bei Missionen im niedrigen Erdorbit. Unter seiner Führung hat Morpheus Space unter anderem eine 28 Millionen US-Dollar Series-A Finanzierungsrunde abgeschlossen. Zu den namenshaften Investoren gehören unter anderem Airbus Ventures und Alpine Space Ventures, welcher vom NATO-Innovationsfonds unterstützt wird. „Verfügbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und ein zu hoher Treibstoffverbrauch waren lange genug Probleme in der Raumfahrt", betont Daniel Bock. „Wir möchten gerne den massenhaften Einsatz unseres GO-2 Antriebsystems sehen, um leistungsfähigere und nachhaltigere Möglichkeiten zur Navigation von Satelliten in unsere Umlaufbahnen zu schaffen." Medienkontakt: Über Morpheus Space Seit der Gründung des Unternehmens im Jahr 2018, hat Morpheus Space den Aufstieg von einer forschungsorientierten Unternehmung zu einer richtungsweisenden kommerziellen Kraft vollzogen. Die Erfolge des Unternehmens umfassen Antriebssystemtests auf Nanosatelliten, erfolgreiche Kollisionsvermeidungsmanöver im Weltraum und zahlreiche Softwareinnovationen im Bereich der Raumfahrtmobilität. Diese Leistungen unterstreichen Morpheus Space's Bestreben, ständig die Grenzen des Möglichen und Normen zu verschieben, um eine sicherere und zugänglichere Zukunft der Raumfahrt zu ermöglichen.

Morpheus Space Unveils Journey Software for Fully Integrated Mission Planning

Nov 15, 2023

Morpheus Space, the leading provider of in-space mobility products, today announced the release of its highly-anticipated space mobility software known as Journey. After years of development under the guidance of a team including former leadership at NASA and Mercedes-Benz, Journey will allow select clients to design, simulate, and operate their own custom space missions. These all-in-one, high-fidelity decision and simulation tools are just the beginning of a larger shift in how the aerospace industry will plan and execute mobility for space missions, from in-space transfer to station keeping to de-orbiting. ​ "Today marks not only an important milestone for our company, but the entire new space industry as a whole," says Morpheus Space CEO and co-founder Daniel Bock. "Our team has simplified satellite mission design and analysis, integrating advanced engineering models with seamless UI to radically accelerate access to space." ​ Journey will enable both industry veterans and aerospace newcomers alike to rapidly design, simulate, and operate their satellite missions at scale. By supporting space mobility from the earliest stages of mission and system design through to operations, Journey stands as a unique one-stop-shop for satellite mobility solutions. ​ "The Journey software is the most accessible platform for in-space mobility allowing this multifaceted industry to do more in less time than ever before," says incoming Morpheus Space President Kevin Lausten. "The Morpheus team has created a full-suite planning product that will become a 'go-to' for those looking to establish successful operations of their assets in space." Media Contact: Emanouil Angelov  ​ About Morpheus Space: Founded in 2018, Morpheus Space's ascent from an R&D-focused endeavor to a pioneering commercial force is nothing short of revolutionary. Guided by visionary principles, the company's accomplishments include propulsion system tests on nanosatellites, successful collision avoidance maneuvers in space, and plethora of software innovation in space mobility. These achievements underscore Morpheus Space's commitment to pushing boundaries and defying norms in pursuit of a safer, and more accessible space future.

Morpheus Space Releases its Second-Generation Propulsion System With Enhanced Mobility Capabilities, The GO-2

March 18, 2024

Morpheus Space, a leading provider of in-space mobility products, has unveiled its second-generation electric propulsion system, the GO-2. Designed for mass production across the New Space industry, GO-2 is reliable and easy-to-use, and serves as a building block to addressing larger satellites and broader market needs. "This self-contained, plug and play, electric propulsion system is one of the most capable, efficient, and innovative products for mobility in space," says Morpheus Space CEO Daniel Bock. "The industry is transitioning from large, costly satellites to proliferated networks of smaller, more affordable ones. These constellations, traditionally planned and deployed years in advance, lack flexibility to adapt to changing needs. Our team worked tirelessly to apply the lessons learned from previous iterations, surpassing even our own expectations in creating a reliable and capable propulsion system for a wide range of companies and their missions." As announced by Morpheus CEO Daniel Bock during media interviews with CNBC: Manifest Space and The Debrief, GO-2 allows greater accessibility in the New Space industry by offering a high efficiency, modular and reliable propulsion under a competitive pricing model to lower the barrier of entry for companies needing in-space mobility solutions. Compatible with Morpheus' Journey software, announced this past November at the Space Tech Expo conference in Bremen, Germany, GO-2 can support 6U to 250kg satellites, allowing New Space companies to launch into orbit faster with more safety and reliability. "With GO-2 and Journey, Morpheus has delivered two back-to-back marquee products to the New Space sector," says Morpheus Space President Kevin Lausten. "Both offerings reinforce Morpheus' position as a leading player across in-space mobility. We will have even more capabilities rolling out soon which will further enhance the value of GO-2." Media Contact: Emanouil Angelov  About Morpheus Space: Founded in 2018, Morpheus Space's ascent from an R&D-focused endeavor to a pioneering commercial force is nothing short of revolutionary. Guided by visionary principles, the company's accomplishments include propulsion system tests on nanosatellites, successful collision avoidance maneuvers in space, and plethora of software innovation in space mobility. These achievements underscore Morpheus Space's commitment to pushing boundaries and defying norms in pursuit of a safer, and more accessible space future.

February 7th, 2024

Exclusive: Morpheus Space Unveils New Thruster That Uses Liquid Metal As a Propellant

In-space mobility company Morpheus Space has unveiled their potentially game-changing nanosatellite propulsion system, the GO-2, which they believe will open up access to space to smaller companies and organizations “needing in-space mobility solutions.”

November 13, 2023

Morpheus unveils Journey software for mission planning

“This is a very important milestone for the company because this is our first software on the market,” Daniel Bock, Morpheus Space CEO and co-founder, told SpaceNews. “We also believe this will be a big milestone for the space industry because we are enabling a new way of designing, simulating and operating satellite missions.”

November 14, 2023

Morpheus Space developed a space mission design platform so intuitive even I could use it

Journey aggregates all the data that’s typically spread out amongst Excel sheets, Python and other systems and rapidly spits out a mission and system design. In the software, customers can input custom system measurements, maneuvers, launch date and other requirements.

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